Solar and UPS Installations

Residential and Commercial Solar Services


Grid-Tied Installations

The Grid-Tied Solar System is a modern solar system that utilizes sunlight to power the electrical grid.

Components of a grid-tied solar system: You only need an inverter, solar panels, your meter, and of course the electrical grid.

How does it work?

The sun hits the panels, creating direct current of electricity which is fed into the inverter, the inverter switches it from DC to AC which is what is utilized to power your household effectively.


Hybrid Installations

The Hybrid Solar System is a combination of on-grid and off-grid based solar energy systems.

Components of a grid-tied solar system: Solar Panels, Direct Current Distribution Box (DCDB) Charge Controller, Hybrid Inverter, Alternating Current Distribution Box (ACDB) and Batteries.

How does it work?

The DC energy is fed to the charge controller which regulates the amount of power supplied to the batteries. The inverter draws energy taking essential and non-essential appliances into consideration and converts it into alternating current.

This AC energy is supplied to different loads through the wiring system. When the batteries are fully charged then the solar panel supplies the surplus generated DC power through the inverter and net meter to the utility grid-connected system. (Pushing back into the grid). The stored energy in the battery is retrieved during the night.


Off-Grid Installations

An off-grid solar system is not connected to the electricity grid and requires battery storage.

The system is carefully designed to become the only source of electricity and has variable components necessary to achieve this.

The system supplies the full electrical needs of a property with the necessary battery capacity and solar panels to ensure that the property can run successfully independently.


UPS Installations

UPS stands for uninterruptible power supply. It is an electrical system that provides an emergency power supply if the main power supply fails. (Also known as a battery back-up).

How does it work?

An inverter and batteries are installed and connected to the main (DB) electrical distribution board. The inverter assists the batteries with the conversion from DC voltage to AC protecting electronic appliances from damage when the main electrical supply is abruptly switched off or experiences unplanned spikes in electrical current. It also provides a back-up supply when there is a load reduction and / or black-out to run necessary plugs and lights during an outage.